Comments are welcome, whether critical or positive, to the extent that they meet the criteria listed.

Most product comments are pre-moderate. It means that they are mainly published after the compliance of their content has been verified to the publication criteria (usually in a time span ranging from a few minutes to six hours).

Criteria for publication:

Comments containing, in the text or in the name of the author are not available:

1) addresses of websites, especially if not congruous or sent for promotional purposes;

2) email addresses, telephone numbers, postal addresses;

3) vulgar or offensive terms;

4) personal attacks or evaluations towards the company;

5) content outside the product itself;

6) content that seem to be able to offend, provoke, humiliate someone;

7) racist, sexist, homophobic or violent content;

8) illegal content or illegal behaviour;

9) false or deceptive information;

10) content that may constitute a danger to others;

11) length content exceeding 1800 characters;

12) content that the moderator judges irrelevant or dispersive with respect to the article;

13) The comments that come from users (users or IP addresses) qualifiable as spam, or from which there is a high number of comments in one day are also not available.

Finally, comments that signal minor or refute errors are likely not to be published, whether the reports are correct or not. 

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Gecoshop is grateful to edit or delete a comment and to each error report and abuse promptly acknowledge and correct any errors.

Comments moderation allows customers registered on to actively participate, stimulate and privilege opinions on the purchased products and to evaluate their quality. Moreover, moderation limits the risks that customers – voluntarily or not – publish content that may violate the law.